Bulk Fees Upload By Amount

Manditory Fields for bulk upload are Admission No and Amount.

1. Date is manditory only if you are adding back date entry. For today's date keep it empty.
2. Date Format is 16-Jun-2018, where "-" is manditory and Month should contain only 3 letters.

Recipt No

1. Recipt No is manditory only if you need specific receipt number for you entries otherwise keep it empty.
2. It only accepts numeric characters, does not accepts alphabets or symbols (/,-).

Payment Mode

1. Payment Modes accepted in csv are Cash, Cheque, Demand Draft, POS.
2. Spelling should be same as describe above.
3. "Cash & Cheque" or "Cash & Demand Draft" cannot be updated by this script.
4. If Payment Mode is "Cash" you can kept the field blank.

Fee Amount

1. Add any amount, the fee will be adjust in all Fees by its due date.
2. Fees with the early Due Date will be paid firstly.

Fee cannot be paid sucessfully until and unless all the above points are covered