Fee Payment Details

Terms And Conditions

1. The scholarship (if any) in subsequent semesters will be subject to the candidate acquiring the prescribed percentage of marks as well as on his/her conduct in the University.

2. The admission of a candidate shall be cancelled if it is found that the admission has been secured on the basis of furnishing false documents / incorrect information to the University.

3. Any change in personal information like mobile no., address, etc is required to be intimated to MIS Dept. of the University immediately in writing so that the correct information is maintained in the office records of the University.

4. Possession, distribution and consumption of alcoholic beverages, prohibited drugs, narcotic substances, smoking and chewable tobacco in the University campus are strictly prohibited. Such things will constrain the University to take disciplinary action.

5. No firearms, weapon or potentially dangerous instrument shall be carried to/stored in the campus or carried in person by any student. Those found guilty will be expelled.

6. The University will display important notices pertaining to fees payment, examination dates, projects, seminars etc from time to time on the notice board. Students are advised to read the notice board regularly as no excuse of non compliance shall be entertained.

7. The admission letter, prospectus, information brochure and website of the University are the correct and only guide to the terms and conditions of admission and the rules and regulations of the University. Students are advised to refer the same for clarification. No other form of communication other than those mentioned, whether written or verbal is there between the University and the students.

8. For refund, please go through University’s Refund Policy in our website www.jru.edu.in.

9. The University reserves the right to cancel the admission under any of the following circumstances : a) If the fees is not deposited by the stipulated date. b) If the candidate does not join the particular programme by the stipulated date even though the fee has been deposited. c) If the candidate fails to furnish the proof of the stipulated minimum qualifications required for admission into the program.

10. As per Supreme Court Judgment (Bharathidasan University vs AICTE), Universities established by State or Centre Act do not require AICTE approval to impart Technical Education.

11. No dispute shall be raised after the expiry of one month from the date on which the process of admission and / or selection is completed. The dispute shall be subject to arbitration to be adjudicated upon by sole arbitrator being a retired Judge of a High Court and the same shall be binding on the parties.

12. The acceptance of an offer of admission implies the consent of the student to the rules and regulations of the University.

13. This admission letter is being issued to the candidate in duplicate and a signed copy of the same is retained by the University.